
Anglican Alliance


Anglican Alliance for Development, Relief and Advocacy: The Anglican Alliance brings together those in the Anglican family of churches and agencies to work for a world free of poverty and injustice, to be a voice for the voiceless, to reconcile those in conflict, and to safeguard the earth.

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Anglican Church of Southern Africa's Environmental Network


Anglican Church of Southern Africa's Environmental Network, led by Archbishop Thabo Magkoba.

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Church in Wales Church Action on Sustaining the Environment (CHASE)


Church in Wales Church Action on Sustaining the Environment (CHASE) . This Church in Wales initiative includes a parish 'green guide', a green checklist and resources section. It also has a 'Beliefs' section with reflections on Faith, the Bible, Science and Creation.

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Churches Together in Britain & Ireland (CTBI)


Churches Together in Britain & Ireland (CTBI): Environment and Climate Change. Here CTBI notes that environmental and climate issues have been challenging churches both to reflect theologically and to develop programmes of practical action. The website has sections for news, events and resources.

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The Conservation Foundation

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Since 1982 The Conservation Foundation has created and managed a wide range of environmental initiatives, often with the support of commercial partners. Over the years its programme has included award schemes, conferences, promotions, special events, field studies, school programmes, media work, seminars and workshops.

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Eco Church

Eco Church

Eco Church is A Rocha UK’s award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth. 

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Since 2005, "Sustainable preaching" has been offering ecumenical preaching suggestions and a new dynamic to align the lectionary Bible readings of the Sundays into the global context of sustainable life and action.

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The Episcopal Church Eco-justice Ministries

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The Episcopal Church Eco-justice Ministries: Care and justice for all creation is a core value of The Episcopal Church. Through education, advocacy, and action, Eco-justice ministries seek to heal, defend and work toward justice for all God's creation and to respect the kinship and connection of all that God has created.

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The Ecumenical Water Network (EWN)


The Ecumenical Water Network (EWN) is a network of churches and Christian organizations promoting people's access to water around the world. The Network strives to promote the preservation, responsible management and the equitable distribution of water for all, based on the understanding that water is a gift of God and a fundamental human right.

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The Episcopal Ecological Network (EpEN)


The Episcopal Ecological Network (EpEN) is a nationwide network within the Episcopal Church USA that coordinates with the Peace and Justice Ministries Office of the Episcopal Church USA.

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GreenFaith is an interfaith coalition for the environment founded in 1992. The coalition works with houses of worship, religious schools and people of all faiths to help them become better environmental stewards and religious-environmental leaders.

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The EnviroAction committee


Calling the people of the Diocese of Huron in central Canada to be good stewards of God's Created order; The EnviroAction committee will be the Diocesan focus: 1. Reviewing our current environmental practices 2. Affirming our environmental responsibility in ministry 3. Educating about environmental issues 4. Proposing policy options that enable and encourage us to be faithful in caring for God's creation.

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The Johannesburg Anglican Environmental Initiative (JAEI)


The Johannesburg Anglican Environmental Initiative (JAEI) is a formal body of the Diocese of Johannesburg, seeking to meet challenges being faced by this generation with regard to the environment. The Initiative aims to promote education and awareness, encourage parish environmental projects, develop the concept of eco-congregation, and provide briefings for theological reflection and advocacy.

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Operation Noah


Operation Noah is a UK based Christian movement providing focus and leadership in response to climate change. It is "informed by the science of climate change, motivated to care for creation by our faith and our hope in God, and driven by the desire to transform and enrich our society through radical change in lifestyles and patterns of consumption."

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The Regeneration Project

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The Regeneration Project and Interfaith Power and light. Beginning as a project of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco this project has branched out into an interfaith ministry helping people of all faiths become more aware of the connections between spirituality and ecology. Through a network of local Interfaith Power and Light projects it helps religious communities more reliant on environmentally sustainable sources of electricity.

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Shrinking the Footprint


Shrinking the Footprint is the Church of England's National Environmental Campaign which aims to resource the Church's 44 dioceses and 16,000 churches to reduce their footprint. The Church of England is committed to a carbon reduction target of 80% by 2050 (in line with Government commitments), with an interim target of 42% by 2020. The Campaign's website has sections on 'Taking Action' and 'Best Practice', news up-dates and lots of other resources.

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The South African Faith Communities Environmental Institute


The South African Faith Communities Environmental Institute are an institute of people of many faiths, united in our diversity through our common commitment to earthkeeping. Our aim is to support the faith communities in fulfilling their environmental & socio-economic responsibility.

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The World Council of Churches and Climate Change


The World Council of Churches brings together 340 denominations from over 100 different countries around the globe. In environmental work works on issues related to Globalization and ecology, and has given leadership through its program on Global Climate Change and its participation in the World Summit on Sustainable Development.

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The Forum on Religion and Ecology


The Forum on Religion and Ecology is the largest international multireligious project of its kind. With its conferences, publications, and website it is engaged in exploring religious worldviews, texts, and ethics in order to broaden understanding of the complex nature of current environmental concerns.

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Religions for Peace addressing Climate Change

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Religions for Peace has launched a multi-religious movement that unites religious believers through storytelling and collective action to address climate change. Its mission is to empower people and organisations of faith to take action to honour and preserve our common home.

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