A Network for those who care for God’s creation
Anglicans and Episcopalians worldwide have long been concerned with environmental issues. From extreme weather to food shortages all of us are affected. Guided by the fifth Mark of Mission members of the Anglican Communion Environment Network strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the earth.
The Communion Forest is a global initiative comprising local activities of forest protection, tree growing and eco-system restoration undertaken by provinces, dioceses and individual churches across the Anglican Communion to safeguard creation.
The Lambeth Call on the Environment and Sustainable Development was shared by the bishops of the Lambeth Conference in 2022. It outlines some bold commitments in tackling environmental crises, including just financing, community resilience building, advocacy, biodiversity restoration and promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The Communion Forest is also a big feature in the Lambeth Call. Anglicans around the world are invited to take the Lambeth Call forward in their setting. Find out how you can add your voice to the call.
Season of Creation takes place from 1 September – 4 October and for 2024, the theme of the season is “Act and Hope with Creation”
Find out more and download the Season of Creation Celebration Guide for ideas on how to get involved.
Resources can be found on www.seasonofcreation.org
The Anglican Church of Southern Africa (Green Anglicans) has prepared a resource with sermons by different women bishops (on the RCL readings) and liturgies for each Sunday
The Episcopal Church has a wonderful set of resources and a podcast on the liturgy through a social development lens
Scottish Eco-congregations has some very creative multi-media resources
The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil is having a series of webinars in Portuguese
The Church of England has some great resources
The Scottish Episcopal Church has some wonderful liturgies
The Church in Wales has a publication entitled: ‘Creationtide’
Sermon notes (Revised Common Lectionary) for the Season from women Bishops from Kenya, Lesotho, Eswatini, Brazil and UK
Environment day at Lambeth Palace
Lambeth Seminar on the fifth mark of mission
The Anglican Indigenous Network and Anglican Communion Environmental Network prepared a series of four weekly webinars, bringing perspectives from Indigenous communities across the Communion on the planetary environmental emergency. Contributions came from Aotearoa and Polynesia, Amazonia, Africa) and the Arctic .
Described as “a lament in the present and a vision for living well”, the series of 45 minute videos look at both the current reality facing communities and draw on Indigenous wisdom for shaping a prophetic vision of a better future.
Weekly sermon notes are prepared based on the Revised Common Lectionary, by authors from around the world. You can find them on this link www.preachingforgodsworld.org or sign up to have them delivered directly into your email box.
The Anglican Communion had a delegation attending the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland in 2021. Here you will find all the information you will need to keep you updated on what is happening, including an introduction to who will be there, policy documents and briefings, press releases, videos, and resources.
For more information